Holistic Ms

Shifting the ageism paradigm and improving the health of Women

Mission & Vision

Holistic Ms curates a connected path for personal exploration of transitional life stages, growth, and action for wellbeing. Holistic Ms's vision is to connect women through transitional experiences and empower action as lifelong wisdom agers.

Holistic Ms

Holistic Ms specializes in curated individual, group, in-person, and online classes. Classes are blended, and may include life coaching, alternative health modalities, Eden Energy Medicine, Sound Immersion, yoga, and creative and fine arts supporting personal exploration of transitional life stages, growth, and action for wellbeing.

Philosophy & Core Values


It is imperative to Listen, be kind and considerate of other people's perspectives.


Be brave and flexible. There's no perfect way and we honor how people move through change.


Transformation is an ongoing learning process, big or small, we all bring about change at different paces.


Connect women in transitional stages. Provide a healthy and fun space to explore what’s next!


Keep an open heart and mind. Your inner and outer environment is a wonderful teacher. See every encounter as a gift and a way to deepen understanding.